March 19, 2010. Троицк.


On March 19, 2010, TISNCM hosted a ceremonial meeting of the Academic Council dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute. This enlarged meeting of the Academic Council gathered both TISNCM staff and some honored guests: the head of the city of Troitsk V. Sidnev, representatives of the city’s Administration and the Board of Deputies, the directors of the scientific institutes, representatives of the research institutes and companies, Federal Agency for Science and Innovation (Rosnauka) and other organizations.

Welcoming speech, congratulations and a brief report on the work of FSBI TISNCM from 1995 to 2010 were presented by the director of FSBI TISNCM and the chairman of Troitsk City Council of Deputies, Professor Vladimir Blank. Also, congratulations were made by the members of the Council, and some mementos and diplomas were awarded.

Finally, all participants were invited to a festive reception. We warmly congratulate the management and the staff of TISNCM with its 15th Anniversary!